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Letter Structuring


Dear Mr/Ms (or a special title suggested by Amnesty),


First paragraph

  • Introduce the case to the recipient – why are you writing to them? what is the letter about? 

  • Add background information about the issue - what happened? when? why? Is there someone responsible?


Second paragraph

Explain the seriousness of the issue

  • Which human laws are being broken?  - Quote the laws! 

  • What is the danger of not respecting these laws? 

  • Why is this an unjust act?

List relevant arguments!


Third paragraph (We urge you, ask you,…)

  • In this paragraph you are asking the authorities to act upon this issue. 

  • You should include all the points provided by Amnesty’s website (think about the necessary measures which are ought to be taken). 

  • What can the addressed do about it?



Yours sincerely, 

Amnesty International Campus des Nations 


Further tips:

  1. Your letter should be around half a page long (if you write 3 sentences per paragraph, the letter is not effective or doesn’t include enough information) – have at least 5 effective sentences per paragraph.

  2. Use proper vocabulary- You should try to be as polite as possible. Demanding tone will not be effective, especially if the person you are addressing is in some way responsible for the issue. 

  3. Do NOT take a superior attitude to criticize! (aka no throwing shade) – This is not an effective way of communicating when it comes to such serious issues. 

  4. Make sure your sentences are well structured and that there is a continuity in your writing.

  5. Mind your organization! 

  • Your letter should be aligned 

  • Font: Times New Roman

  • Size of letters: 12

  • Authors should not use pronounce such as "I" within their letters



In order to write letters, there needs to be a certain structure in order to ensure that the letter is convincing and is not offensive. Below are some examples of letters written in the past to use as a guideline and further down is a guideline on how to structure the letter. 


Links to exemplary letters:

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